Caution & Warning there appears to be something trying to make Nuns Look redponsibLe for steaLing the MonaLisa and SimiLaritys of suffering instead of stabaLising thribing Life

Adam Jeffrey AckLes wants to authenticate the memory from backwords in time from having sex on this pLanet Like putting adds on craigsList every day for 7 years for casuaL encounter sex and Leave the bending of space and time to have sex with a princess and make Lucky guys and Princess's authenticating memory from backwords in time ALso Female and or GirLs Authentic desire of desire to contribute to authentic desire for Little Girls who grow into Taller Girls with DNA stability and Reality Virtual Reality benefits similar to Light as molecules molecules as Light similar to Sound and Light with watching movies and eating DNA curing food.

Bazuikey Dreamer Slow Moving eLectrons

Im Adam Jeffrey AckLes and is important used for sex sLavery. Earth 2 Light years away from 3 earth Like pLanets next to one another Like a triangLe. Earth 100,000,000 Light Years from Lots of stars turning into bLack hoLes according to the science channeL Earth. Earth 10,000,000,000 Light Years away from the edge of the Universe according to the science channeL Hubble space TeLescope found a spot aLL the way through the suns to the edge of the universe